Greetings To All, this Saturday, as we talk with God, let us also communicate our problems and mistakes to Him.
God desires to communicate with us daily. We must be willing to share our problems and mistakes with God because He has the power to use them for our good to get us where He wants us to be.
Even when we fail and our hands are dirty, God wants us to know that we are not defined by our past or present mistakes and that each of us can recover from the mistakes we've made in life.
Psalm 37:24 (NLT2)
24 Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.
Matthew 9:2b (NLT2)
2 "Be encouraged, my child! Your sins are forgiven."
Let us stop being detained by and taking on the identity of our problems and mistakes.
Lesson: The power of our mistakes is that we can learn from them. We can learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others. Remember, God is the great problem solver, and we can tell Him our problems and allow Him to solve them and redeem us from our mistakes.