Greetings to all; this Tuesday, do not let the things you feel inadequate at make you feel unworthy.
Poor me, the insignificant me. Does that sound familiar? There will always be people who may do something better than us. There will also be some things that we could be better with. However, even if we consider ourselves the least important, we should focus on the most important. God has a plan for us all.
Ephesians 3:8 (NCV)
8 I am the least important of all God's people, but God gave me this gift—to tell those who are not Jews the Good News about the riches of Christ, which are too great to understand fully.
Lesson: Our real identity is with the presence and power of the Spirit of God in us. We are all chosen in Christ, and even if we feel we are the least important, we all have equal access to the Father and the riches of Christ.