Greetings to all, let us thank God for seeing and protecting us through this week. I pray that we all accomplished all that was set before us and that we had the faith to take risks to help us achieve even more.
Many of us desire to see changes in our lives and achieve more, but we refuse to make the decisions or take risks needed to do something because we tend to become comfortable with what we're doing or where we are in life.
While the word risk is often associated with change or trying something new, it also lends itself to our ability to survive. There is a danger in comfort that can destroy our lives or even kill us.
2 Kings 7:3-5 (MSG)
3 It happened that four lepers were sitting just outside the city gate. They said to one another, "What are we doing sitting here at death's door?
4 If we enter the famine-struck city, we'll die; if we stay here, we'll die. So let's take our chances in the camp of Aram and throw ourselves at their mercy. If they receive us, we'll live; if they kill us, we'll die. We've got nothing to lose."
5 So after the sun went down, they got up and went to the camp of Aram when they got to the edge of the camp, surprise! Not a man in the camp!
Lesson: From our faith comes our ability to take risks. To move towards a brighter and better future, we sometimes must be willing to take a risk for the sake of our survival.