Greetings to all; as we gather to worship this Sunday, may we live up to our best intentions. Let us respond correctly and appropriately to God's word.
God's word is the message and solution for all. As God's people, obeying and keeping God's word must be our way of life. We also must be teachable.
There used to be a time when we could trust the teaching and correction of those around us. Because of this, we lived more disciplined lives. But now, correcting those we know or do not know is losing its respect and is seen as a thing of the past.
2 Timothy 3:16 (ASV)
16 Every scripture inspired by God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness:
Lesson: Accepting and giving correction can be challenging. We must adequately and appropriately respond to God's instructions to do either with a clear conscience. Thank God, we have His word, our guide, and our requirement for correct correction in life.