Greetings to all, on this Saturday, may we experience and find our place of rest by laying our burdens at the feet of Jesus.
We may not always get the rest we need; however, we must rest when we feel weary and tired after completing our work. We all need to rest physically or emotionally and can do this by spending time alone with God and meditating on His words.
The same way Jesus gave His Disciples the invitation to come away and rest awhile today, He offers the same invitation to each of us to get the rest we need when weary and overwhelmed.
Mark 6:31a (NRSV)
31 He said to them, "Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while."
Lesson: In need of some much-needed rest? It's ok to rest a while. As followers of Christ, we have the advantage of finding the rest needed for our weary bodies, minds, and spirits in Him.