Greetings to all. As we begin this week, do not be discouraged if you find yourself in a situation you cannot control.
It is natural to want to feel in control, but it is also important to remember that there are many things in life we cannot control. When faced with difficult or uncontrollable situations, we often look for help or someone to blame. If there is someone to blame, blame God. But remember, God may be allowing us to be in difficult or uncontrollable situations to show He is in control.
Jeremiah 10:23 (GW)
23 O LORD, I know that the way humans act is not under their control. Humans do not direct their steps as they walk.
Lesson: The sooner we recognize that we are not in control and that God is, the sooner we will find comfort and direction in even the most challenging situations. For a sense of purpose and direction, always follow God's plan and guidance.
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