Greetings to all, on this “hump” day Wednesday, let us seek God’s help in overcoming any doubt that may make us slow and hesitant to trust Him. Amen
While we all live different lives, God has plans for each of our lives, and there is no way that we can know them all. We often have more faith in the outcome of the impossible things happening in our life than we do in God.
Hebrews 10:23 (MSG)
23 Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word.
Proverbs 16:9 (TLB)
9 We should make plans—counting on God to direct us.
James 1:5-7 (TLB)
5 If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask him, and he will gladly tell you, for he is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask him; he will not resent it.
6 But when you ask him, be sure that you really expect him to tell you, for a doubtful mind will be as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind;
7 and every decision you then make will be uncertain, as you turn first this way and then that. If you don’t ask with faith, don’t expect the Lord to give you any solid answer.
Lesson: We may not always be able to make up our minds or can’t see God’s plans; let’s live our lives holding fast and following God with no hesitations.