Greetings to all, as we begin this week, may our work and motives be found worthy and pleasing to God.
People can only see what we present to them through our actions, but God tests our hearts and motives for the hidden agendas that man cannot see. Only He knows the heart, and our day-to-day work will reflect our relationship with Him. Our success will depend on our motives.
1 Thessalonians 2:4 (GW)
4Rather, we are always spreading the Good News. God trusts us to do this because we passed his test. We don’t try to please people but God, who tests our motives.
Jeremiah 17:10 (NLT)
10 But I, the LORD, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve."
Lesson: Man can only see our actions, but God sees our motives. As God's children, we are expected not to please man, have hidden agendas, but for our motives to be pure and worthy when tested by God.