Greetings to all, let us thank God for always helping us and leading us in the right direction. May we stay on track and not stray off the path set before us. Amen
I know that each of us desires to be where God wants us to be and to be doing what He has for us to do. But if for some reason, we find ourselves off track or going in the wrong direction, we don't need to beat ourselves up. We can get back on track.
Although we serve a big God who can transform us and set things straight, we must be willing to change by doing the right things through our words and actions to move forward.
Isaiah 29:24 (MSG)
24 Those who got off-track will get back on-track, and complainers and whiners learn gratitude."
At some point, we have made mistakes, murmured, complained, and even gone astray. Thank God life doesn't end there. With God, there is always hope for our future.
Lesson: Happy Friday; even though at times our lives may seem to have been shaken and even turned upside down, God has already worked things out and has our blessings on the way when we do what is right.
All we need to do is stay on track and keep it moving but in the right direction.