Greetings to all, On this "hump" day Wednesday, no matter what today holds, Let us thank God for bringing us this far, and let us be those who stand firm and who trust God. He will always make our paths straight. Amen
In scripture, we are told not to lean on our understanding; I've found this to be helpful during times in my life when I haven't always understood God's divine plan for my life.
Because our ways are not like God's ways, we often misunderstand and often hesitate to do what he tells us to do or go where He tells us to go. We should always trust and follow Him even when things in life don't make sense.
Has there ever been a time when you thought that God was telling you to do something and it didn't feel right, or you didn't trust it?
These could be times of testing our faith and building our character.
Genesis 22:1-2 (MSG)
1 After all this, God tested Abraham. God said, "Abraham!" "Yes?" answered Abraham. "I'm listening."
2 He said, "Take your dear son Isaac whom you love and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I'll point out to you."
Lesson: Let us continue to trust God even when it doesn't make sense or seems impossible.
Not always do we have to do something; sometimes, we only need to show that we are willing. Willing to take on something or let go of something.