Greetings to all; as we begin this week, let us pray for God's Spirit to rest, rule and abide in our desires.
In life, we desire and want many things. Unfortunately, many of the things we reach for are temporal and sometimes can cause us to become bogged down and dependent on them. And cause us not to obey and trust God completely.
Ezekiel 36:26–27 (NCV)
26 Also, I will teach you to respect me completely and put a new way of thinking inside you. I will remove the stubborn hearts of stone from your bodies and give you obedient hearts of flesh.
27 I will put my Spirit inside you, help you live by my rules, and carefully obey my laws.
Lesson: Let us make the initial and essential change to not reach for the temporal things that remove God from His proper place in our lives. Allow God's Spirit to govern our lives.