Greetings to all, thank God for this beautiful Sunday. Whether we are staying home or going to our respective places of worship, let us worship, in a position of reverence by bowing before him, on our knees because He has made us, and we are His! Amen
God has created us to worship Him! We are instructed in the word to worship the Lord with gladness and come before Him with Joy!
But how can we when the days and weeks seem to be full of sickness, death, chaos, and division, making them harder to navigate?
It's no secret that we need the Lord more than ever now!
Psalm 95:6-7 (GW)
6 Come, let's worship and bow down. Let's kneel in front of the LORD, our maker,
7 because he is our God, and we are the people in his care, the flock that he leads. If only you would listen to him today!
Can you say that you have a life-sustaining and expected relationship with Christ?
The problem is that many of us count the cost of following Christ and belonging to God as being too high. Before we get to know Him as our Father, we fail to realize that we all belong to such a loving and caring God, whose love endures forever, and His faithfulness to us flows through all generations.
Luke 14:25-33 (MSG)
25 One day when large groups of people were walking along with him, Jesus turned and told them,
26 "Anyone who comes to me but refuses to let go of father, mother, spouse, children, brothers, sisters—yes, even one's own self!—can't be my disciple.
27 Anyone who won't shoulder his own cross and follow behind me can't be my disciple.
28 "Is there anyone here who, planning to build a new house, doesn't first sit down and figure the cost so you'll know if you can complete it?
29 If you only get the foundation laid and then run out of money, you're going to look pretty foolish. Everyone passing by will poke fun at you:
30 'He started something he couldn't finish.'
31 "Or can you imagine a king going into battle against another king without first deciding whether it is possible with his ten thousand troops to face the twenty thousand troops of the other?
32 And if he decides he can't, won't he send an emissary and work out a truce?
33 "Simply put, if you're not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it good-bye, you can't be my disciple.
Lesson: God has promised never to leave nor forsake us, so let us not make serving Him an only weekend or three times a year activity.
He wants full custody and not only weekend and three times a year visit from those of us who say that we are committed to being Christians/disciples.
We must make a daily commitment to Jesus that goes along with being obedient to God's words and His character as best as possible to the end of our physical lives on earth to enjoy our eternal spiritual home in Heaven.