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Writer's pictureNamie

Filling Cracks in Our Spirit

Greetings to all; this weekend, let us take a moment to rest and relax on the firm foundation of our comfort.

Everyone seeks comfort, but life does not always provide it. Although we can find solace in many ways, when those we rely on are absent, our spirits struggle to find peace and need filling.

2 Corinthians 2:13–14 (KJV 1900)

13 I had no rest in my spirit because I found not Titus, my brother: but taking my leave of them, I went from thence into Macedonia.

14 Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savor of his knowledge by us in every place.

Lesson: Our need for comfort is a natural part of life. Rest is essential, especially in times of weakness. Let us uplift one another and fill the cracks in our spirits with God's word and through the comforts that life offers.

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