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Writer's pictureNamie

Elevate Each Other

Greetings to all; as we start this new week, let us focus on actions that promote peace and harmony while uplifting others.

In life, we will encounter individuals who may be weaker or stronger. Predicting which people, situations, or circumstances might disrupt our peace and harmony is impossible during our daily routine. However, we must ensure that we support and uplift each other.

Romans 14:19 (GW)

19 So, let us pursue things that bring peace and are good for each other.

Lesson: Peace and harmony is important and should be our goal. Things that make for peace are when we are mindful and cautious with our words and actions toward others. Instead of tearing others down, we should strive to build them up. We should seek to uplift those around us, not just this week but throughout our lives. Let us make it a habit.

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