Greetings to all, on this "grateful" Thursday, let us thank God for our life, health, and wisdom to acquire the things we desire, and let us continue to give thanks to Him for who He is in our lives. Amen
We may not always have all the successes and what we want in life. And there is no reason for us to compare our lives to others.
We all will have situations and circumstances where we won't have the success or the answers, but we know that God does. He gives to us, but He also delays and holds back things that we are not ready for or things that are not good.
And, for that, we can be grateful. We don't have to wait; being thankful doesn't have to only happen during the Thanksgiving holiday; each of us has so much to be grateful for every day of our life.
Psalm 34:1 (GW)
1 I will thank the LORD at all times. My mouth will always praise him.
Lesson: If and when we find ourselves complaining, let us be reminded that God is with us always and every step of the way and, we need to thank Him always for what we have, but, most of all, for who He is.