Greetings to all, let us thank God for His presence as this week comes to an end. May this Friday bring to each of us more of God's favor and His grace. Amen
We've reached the end of another week, and what a week it has been for some! Things are continuing to happen around us that we do not understand.
Let us continue to look to the Lord and keep our hands in His hands because we do not know even what today holds, but the Lord, He does.
Finishing is better than starting, especially knowing that God has promised to be with us, even until the end of time.
Ecclesiastes 7:8 (MSG)
8 Endings are better than beginnings. Sticking to it is better than standing out.
Ecclesiastes 7:8 (GW)
8 The end of something is better than its beginning. It is better to be patient than arrogant.
Lesson: Let us rest in our prayers as we reach the end of this week with patience and reflect on the many blessings, we have received this week.
Let us work hard to finish what we have started and leave nothing unfinished.