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Writer's pictureNamie

A House Divided

Greetings to all, on this Sunday, may each of our homes and churches be unified, and God gives us the courage to do what is right and good. Amen

In our lives, there will always be confusion about what's right or what's wrong. We must decide whether to follow an immoral or moral lifestyle and what we will obey.

It's common to hear about homes and even the Household of Faith having differing opinions. These opinions often cause conflicts that separate and divide. If our homes or the household of faith will prosper or be productive, they must be united and not divided.

God desires that we do our best as Christians to have unity and peace, while the enemy of the world, Satan, would like nothing more than for us to have conflicts, divisions and strife in our homes and more so in the church house.

Mark 3:25 (TLB)

25 A home filled with strife and division destroys itself.

Micah 7:6-7 (MSG)

6 Neighborhoods and families are falling to pieces. The closer they are—sons, daughters, in-laws—The worse they can be. Your own family is the enemy.

7 But me, I'm not giving up. I'm sticking around to see what GOD will do. I'm waiting for God to make things right. I'm counting on God to listen to me.

Lesson: We often think that doing right and good is easy; however, that's not always the case. The way to have peace is to have the courage to follow Jesus and do what is right. Unfortunately, we sometimes lose those closest to us when we choose to follow Jesus.

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